Thursday, January 15, 2009

starbucks berry chai infusion

starbuck's new berry chai infusion tea.
is amazing.
a new favorite drink.
i recommend you to never try this drink.
because it's my favorite drink,
it can't become your favorite drink.
please try it. i beg you.
you'll fall in love, like me.



  1. i really want to try that sounds good...looking at the picture..and having you describe it.

    question. do you think it's more of a feminine drink?

    maybe i should stick to "drip"..better for my image. don't ya think? har.har.har

  2. chris = drip?
    chris = taylor swift's love story.

  3. don't know me...but I saw your blog from christopher heights blog and had to comment on the berry chai...i work at starbucks and when I tried that drink i though..that is so gross..there is no person that will like those flavors mixed together..and then there is you. So I will tell my co-workers that the people at the tasting labs are not on drugs and that there are actual humans that love the infussion! Random, jenny
