Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Moving out Moving in Moving on...

old room in brighton, MA

It might just be a coincident but our move date got sandwiched between the biggest Boston snow storms. We were snowed in, just a few days before the big move, forcing us to stay home from work and pack more of our lives into boxes. And just another couple days later here I am fighting through the powdery, icy, now slushy snow during already uncomfortable route home.
It forces me to stay home and unpack now that I don't wanna face the horrible weather.
Well not so much a coicident as an after thought... I guess it gives me reasons to get settled in. Maybe it's the new apartment and the huge blank space with unopened boxes I'm living at... But I feel the urge to create something, fill bits by bits to reorganize my things and showcase them for myself for what they're worth. For all this time they missed their moment to shine... I welcome you all to your new place!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Starry Starry Night Sky

on my way home, somerville, MA

Now here in Boston, it's a start of another new year, my first winter in Boston.

I look back at last year and I realize time quickily becomes my past and all the big and little things that was part of it too. What once was catastrophic, world ending, slow despairing moments of my life is long gone, and I find myself totally adjusted and moved on as if I've lived here, like this, since before. While in reality, I'm brand new to this.

I come out of my office, shouting out "Good night!" to everyone with a relief of another full day at work, walk out into the darkness, through the shortly daunting tunnel under the railroad tracks and mindlessly follow up the road to the local bus station around the corner. As I'm about to to turn the corner, I finally take the time to look up. Look right, darkness. Look left, a glimpse of sunlight is still lingering. I could still see the little hint of the orangy yellow at the bottom of the sky, and the cresent of the moon so crisp. I knew I had to capture it and capture it quickily, because in a few seconds, I would've missed it... as it always happen.

I regret that I didn't capture those momentary moments of myself as vividly as I experienced them. The impatient anger and the helplessness of myself unimaginable to me now. When I had the time to express it in other means than like boring words I do now to try recreate and remember about how it all happened all over again. It's scary to think that I turn out to be the consequent of my present consequences... karma?

Well all this mind ponder happened during the 5 min walk to the bus stop, just staring up at the starry starry night sky. Just sharing.